Valve solenoids burning out.



  • Official comment
    Aeon Matrix

    Hi Michael,

    Do you have a UK/CA mark on your power adapter product label?

    Best Regards,


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  • Michael Anderson

    It is the power supply that came with the Yardian, and I have it installed in the Yardian Weatherproof enclosure. I’ll have to take it apart to look for that label, something I cannot do today. I should have an answer tomorrow.




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  • Aeon Matrix

    Please unscrew here to temporarily remove the Yardian controller:

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  • Michael Anderson

    Got it. This is what I have:

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  • Aeon Matrix

    Hi Michael,

    We have been replacing the power adapters since 2023, but for some reason, you still received the older model. We will need to send you a new power adapter, and our support team will assist you at

    Best regards,

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  • Michael Anderson

    Got the new power supply last week and installed it (has the UK/CA mark). It’s been rainy most every day here in south Florida so not mush chance for testing.

    One day that these system did do a full watering schedule I noticed that the sprinklers in would turn off for a couple of minutes every 10 minutes or so.

    No issues with internet and no messages. Only clue was “Yardian Offline”. I have not had a chance to actually check the control unit itself but I think that the power supply may be overheating after a couple of hours running (it takes about 3 hours to do all zones).

    I am testing now as I write this and will post anything I observe.

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